Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Snapshot Sunday

My Little Reading Buddy
After reading Carly "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" twice, "Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?" twice, and "The Wheels on the Bus" three times, Carly grabbed "The Wheels on the Bus" and her balnkie, climbed on the couch and started reading to herself. I love reading to her and find it adorable when she reads by herself. As a teacher I know how important it is to have a love for reading...hope she keeps it up!

Rainy Day Fun

Who says you can't have fun on rainy days? Carly and I went shopping in Evansville with Chrissy and Luke, and that is always fun. New clothes for momma and Carly = 2 happy girls! We picked up Cole on our way home and the kids had a blast playing together (between the pushes, shoves, and tears)! They completely demolished the house in less than 5 minutes! But who long as they're having fun! Then Cole and Carly played outside in the puddles while Chrissy ran to Target to get her some diapers and me some milk. Thanks saved the day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

lovin' this time of year

After work, Carly and I went to the nursery and picked up some plants. She had fun riding on the wagon and pulling it around.

Then we came home and started planting. And of course she had fune digging in the dirt. And while we were working Lacey was getting getting pampered by the traveling groomer.
Can you see her in the window?

We took a break when Ginger, Katie and Olivia came over to eat pizza and then we went back to work.

We finally went inside around 8:30. Carly was filthy and worn out...must mean we had a good day!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Little Things Thursday

I heard the saying "Little Things Thursday" on the radio as I was driving to work this morning. I instantly thought of my blog, so I am going to try to make this my post every Thursday. I loved this because it's the little things in life that are the most important...the things that mean the most. Like, the gasp that Carly takes when she first notices that I am picking her up from daycare. It melts my heart. There's a gasp, a huge smile, and then a jolt to get to me as quick as she can. It's moments like these that I know I mean as much to her as she means to me. It's also the beginning to the BEST part of my day!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Fall at daycare...gash on to mom...trip to Convenient Care..and the outcome, NO sTitcHEs!!!!!
When I picked her up from daycare.
At Convenient Care waiting to see if she needed stitches.
Carly, without stitches (well with-paper stitches), after she was all cleaned-up and ready for bed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

mom & me monday

Like most days Carly and I spent the afternoon playing in the yard. I pushed her in her car, we played with her truck, colored with sidewalk chalk, played fetch with Lacey, jumped on the trampoline, played on the swings, dug in the dirt and rolled around on the ground while we sang Ring Around the Rosie. Another fun-filled afternoon....and I can't imagine anyone who I'd rather spend it with.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Snapshot!

Carly did a whole lot of walking today....these were brand new socks!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

...and the garage sales have begun!!!!!

Carly and Olivia...garage sale buddies....just like their mommas!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mom's not the only one who likes dirt!

Mom says she used to find dirt in my I can say the same thing about Carly. It's not surprising considering she was dumping it all over herself. The dirtier the!

I love sitting on the front porch watching the farmers work in the fields.

Carly's been having fun with this strange ball.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gettin' Back in the Swing...

I started dreading today last Tuesday on my way to the park. I looked in the rear view mirror at Carly in her seat and realized that my break was not going to last forever. I have realized that I am very fortunate to be able to be home with her in the early afternoons and every SUMMER, bit it is still hard to go back to work after spending such a fun-filled week with her. I have to say that this morning wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I had a difficult time getting Carly out the door this morning. She was perfectly happy with cuddling on the couch with me but when she realized we were getting ready to leave she started to fuss and did not want to put on her jacket. But when we got to daycare she went to her teacher and seemed OK...not overly happy, but she didn't cry. It was also nice to see my students and friends at work. The kids seemed to have a nice break and came back ready to get back into the routine. Plus, it was a beautiful day and we managed have lunch outside and squeeze in two recesses! The day went by quickly and I got to come home and play in the yard with Carly. Then managed to squeeze in some extra cuddle time before she went to bed. Have I mentioned that i love this girl?!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break Day 10...Hard to Say Goodbye to Spring Break

What a wonderful Spring Break!!! I have had so much fun hanging out with Carly and some good friends. We have played and played and played all week long. We've been to the park, had picnics, went to Nashville, went to Build a Bear, walked a 5k, and hung out around the house alot. I hate to think about going back to work tomorrow morning. It's not work that I dread, it's the time that I have to spend away from Carly. It's supposed to be a beautiful week and I will be leaving work as early as possible to get Carly. Hopefully, this week will go by as quickly as Spring Break...I'm already ready for the weekend and more Carly time!!!

Carly and I washed her car this afternoon.

She's been going around pointing and saying, "that?"

Carly and Lacey were playing together outside.