Well, this was a great weekend! Saturday morning we played around the house, went to the doctor, shopped, played around the house a little more, took a nap and then went to my cousin Chrissy's house to play with her boys. Good news at the doctor...still lots of fluid in Carly's ear, but no infections!!! Whew...what a blessing! Now, if we can just get those ears to draining! Maybe the tubes will help. Carly and I had a good time shopping. We went to several different stores looking for her some new tennis shoes. I found some that I like, but can't find them in her size. We went to TJ Maxx and then walked down the strip to Shoe Carnival and PetSmart. As we were walking hand in hand Carly looked up with a smile on her face and started giggling....that melted my heart!!! The Humane Society brought a few dogs and cats into PetSmart for people to adopt and Carly loved them...looks like she is going to share my love of animals. It was hard not to bring one home, but I worry about how Lacey would handle it. All the excitement from our shopping trip must have completely worn Carly out. She feel asleep at 2 and didn't wake up until almost 5:30. (As you can see she was looking a little rough when she woke up!) She NEVER naps that long. I even got to squeeze in a little nap myself. Which was a good thing because the kids were wild when we went to Chrissy's.
Today Carly and I went to Evansville with Chrissy, Luke, Crystal and Carol Kay. It was one of our quickest trip, but as usual it was pretty fun. When we got home I bundled Carly up a little and enjoyed the nice weather. I couldn't stand to let the day go by without playing outside for a while. Carly and Lacey both liked being out. Carly mostly just walked around and Lacey played with the ball. Oh, and when she wasn't playing with it...she was guarding it. She sure didn't want anyone to have it! Carly also had a good time playing with the neighbor girls. It's always nice for them to visit. We are so lucky to have them next door!
Cute pictures Kelly....You're going to be a pro with that camera soon!!