Monday, February 1, 2010

Sticker Please

Carly did great today at the ear doctor! She sat in a chair beside me and looked at books until we were called back. Then, she walked back to the room all by herself. I was so proud of her! Now, when we got back to the room she tried to get into everything. But when the Dr. Mumford came in she got it together and did awesome. She sat very still in my lap while the doctor checked both her ears. I was surprised that both ears had fluid in them because it's always been only the right one that has given her trouble. Anyway, Dr. Mumford recommended that Carly get that's where we're headed. Hope it works....guess we'll find out in a few weeks! When we were leaving Dr. Mumford gave Carly a sticker. I actually think this may be the first one she's ever had...and it was much deserved.

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