Sunday, February 28, 2010
My Sunshine!!
You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.
You make me happy
when skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
This is one of my all time favorite "kiddie" songs. Carly was swaying back and forth with a huge smile and lots of giggles as I sang it to her this afternoon. As soon as the song was over she would sign and say "more." So, I sang it over and over again. It was the sweetest thing...guess she likes it too!
I am amazed by how much that little girl means to me. I never imagined how much happiness motherhood would bring me. She truly is my sunshine!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
We finally got to go outside!!!!
Well, this was a great weekend! Saturday morning we played around the house, went to the doctor, shopped, played around the house a little more, took a nap and then went to my cousin Chrissy's house to play with her boys. Good news at the doctor...still lots of fluid in Carly's ear, but no infections!!! Whew...what a blessing! Now, if we can just get those ears to draining! Maybe the tubes will help. Carly and I had a good time shopping. We went to several different stores looking for her some new tennis shoes. I found some that I like, but can't find them in her size. We went to TJ Maxx and then walked down the strip to Shoe Carnival and PetSmart. As we were walking hand in hand Carly looked up with a smile on her face and started giggling....that melted my heart!!! The Humane Society brought a few dogs and cats into PetSmart for people to adopt and Carly loved them...looks like she is going to share my love of animals. It was hard not to bring one home, but I worry about how Lacey would handle it. All the excitement from our shopping trip must have completely worn Carly out. She feel asleep at 2 and didn't wake up until almost 5:30. (As you can see she was looking a little rough when she woke up!) She NEVER naps that long. I even got to squeeze in a little nap myself. Which was a good thing because the kids were wild when we went to Chrissy's.
Today Carly and I went to Evansville with Chrissy, Luke, Crystal and Carol Kay. It was one of our quickest trip, but as usual it was pretty fun. When we got home I bundled Carly up a little and enjoyed the nice weather. I couldn't stand to let the day go by without playing outside for a while. Carly and Lacey both liked being out. Carly mostly just walked around and Lacey played with the ball. Oh, and when she wasn't playing with it...she was guarding it. She sure didn't want anyone to have it! Carly also had a good time playing with the neighbor girls. It's always nice for them to visit. We are so lucky to have them next door!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Can you say...ROTTEN???
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sit down??? YEAH RIGHT!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Carly had a great Valentine's Day! She couldn't get to her gifts fast enough this morning! It was so cute. After she played with her balloons and Lacey for a while we baked cupcakes. Now, that was a sight! I think I spent a full hour cleaning the mess. But, it was so worth it. Carly had such a good time. She was all smiles and giggles. I love when she is like that! There is nothing better than sharing these special moments with your baby!! (Guess you can see that the pictures we uploaded in the wrong order. The pictures below are from 1st thing this morning and the one's above are from a little later in the morn.)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snowday X 3
That's right...3 snow days this week....UGH!! Although, I would never complain about getting to spend my days with Carly but I dread going to school so late. On these snow days we don't get to do a whole lot and I will be itching to be home with her in the spring and summer. This time the snow was too deep for Carly to move and it was extremely cold with wind that hit your bones......brrr! So, we mostly stayed inside. Actually, we stayed home all day Wendesday and somehow Carly got a rough looking scrape on her leg. I think it came from crawling through the cabinets, but who knows for sure. On Tuesday, we went to visit my Mammaw and my sister. Carly had a good time playing with her cousins. (My sister is suppose to email me pictures so I will post them when she does.) Then, on Thursday I had to go buy a new high chair for Carly because I cannot keep the little monkey in hers. Everytime I turn around she is climbing out. It's so frustrated because the chair was given to us as a shower gift and I would expect it to have been better quality. Ugh...I guess I'm rambling. But if anybody reads this and wants my opinion...DO NOT BUY A CHICCO HIGH CHAIR!
Special Guests
My cousin, Chrissy, and cousin-in-law, Crystal, came over tonight with Chrissy's two boys, Cole and Luke. I wasn't really sure how Carly was going to react because they came over after her usual bedtime and she used to seem scared Cole. But they had the best time. I think they pulled out every toy in the house and I layed the couch cushions on the floor because I was scared they were going to fall off the couch while jumping and diving across it. It was the cutest thing!! Guess we will have to do it more often. Next time we'll have to invite the rest of the boys....there are 8 of them and then poor, poor Carly!!!
Valentine Party
Carly's Valentines for her friends!!
Putting Carly in daycare was the toughest, but best decision I ever made for her. Today they had a Valentine Party. They handed out Valentines and candy and had a special snack. Since I was working I didn't get to go to the party, but I did snap a couple pictures of her when I picked her up. She looked exhausted when I got there...guess she had a good day!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Is this the girl???
Is this the girl who...
rearranged the cabinets (again),
drug out every toy,
smeared blackberries all over the highchair before throwing them on the floor,
tore the back off a picture frame,
pulled another frame off the wall,
played in the dog's water bowl,
bit into a Cascade packet,
broke the dog's food bowl,
and then fought taking a nap???
But she is also the girl who...
woke up crying for "Momma",
lit up when I walked into her room,
kept running to give me hugs,
played all day,
and makes my heart smile!!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Gotta love the weekends...
Sneaking a chance to stand in the rocker...BUSTED!!

Austin, Carly and Blake

I had a good time this morning trying different clothes on Carly! I threw this outfit together and now it's one of my favorites! We ran to town with mom so I could pick up some paint at Hobby Lobby. Then we spent some time at her hoouse and Carly got to play with her cousin, Austin. They played really well together. They pulled the rocking chairs together and played in them awhile. It was so cute to see them rocking side buy side. My brother and his wife (David and Valerie) have temperarily moved into our mom and dad's house while they look for one of their own. We see more of them now...and Carly seems to enjoy it!
Ginger, a friend since high school, came to visit tonight. We didn't do much more than play with Carly and then chit-chat, but it was sure nice. She lives only a few miles away, but we don't get to see each other enough. I feel like life is so busy. During the week it's work, supper, baths, bed. And of course, ALL the Carly time I can squeeze in between...which is never enough! So, on the weekends I try to stay home but usually end up running some errands at least one day. Today was my day of errands so I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow home with my little love. I may have to squeeze in a quick trip to the grocery, but then I have a much needed play date...can't wait!!!
Austin, Carly and Blake
I had a good time this morning trying different clothes on Carly! I threw this outfit together and now it's one of my favorites! We ran to town with mom so I could pick up some paint at Hobby Lobby. Then we spent some time at her hoouse and Carly got to play with her cousin, Austin. They played really well together. They pulled the rocking chairs together and played in them awhile. It was so cute to see them rocking side buy side. My brother and his wife (David and Valerie) have temperarily moved into our mom and dad's house while they look for one of their own. We see more of them now...and Carly seems to enjoy it!
Ginger, a friend since high school, came to visit tonight. We didn't do much more than play with Carly and then chit-chat, but it was sure nice. She lives only a few miles away, but we don't get to see each other enough. I feel like life is so busy. During the week it's work, supper, baths, bed. And of course, ALL the Carly time I can squeeze in between...which is never enough! So, on the weekends I try to stay home but usually end up running some errands at least one day. Today was my day of errands so I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow home with my little love. I may have to squeeze in a quick trip to the grocery, but then I have a much needed play date...can't wait!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What is going on around here?
There have been some strange things going on around my house lately! The other morning I laid Carly's clothes out for daycare and then when it was time to put her shoes on I couldn't find one of them. I searched and searched with no luck. That night when I was getting ready for bed I found it on a shelf in the bathroom closet. Today, within seconds, I found two things out of place. First, I found a kool-aid pitcher in the back of Carly's dump truck and then a clothes hanger in a table drawer. Can anyone tell me what is going on?
Just a singin'
Oh, what a fun afternoon we have had! Carly has been carrying this microphone around singing her favorite song, "HUH, HUH!!" and calling for mom-mom and dog!! It's so cute! I've been singing her those silly little songs I sing to my kindergarteners. The greatest thing of all is she likes my singing...wonder how long that will last!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sticker Please
Carly did great today at the ear doctor! She sat in a chair beside me and looked at books until we were called back. Then, she walked back to the room all by herself. I was so proud of her! Now, when we got back to the room she tried to get into everything. But when the Dr. Mumford came in she got it together and did awesome. She sat very still in my lap while the doctor checked both her ears. I was surprised that both ears had fluid in them because it's always been only the right one that has given her trouble. Anyway, Dr. Mumford recommended that Carly get that's where we're headed. Hope it works....guess we'll find out in a few weeks! When we were leaving Dr. Mumford gave Carly a sticker. I actually think this may be the first one she's ever had...and it was much deserved.
Another Snowy Day
Well, the much anticipated snow finally hit Friday night around 7:00. Perfect timing because we got to enjoy it, but didn't have to miss any school!! WhooHoo!! We're actually on a 1 hour delay in the morning but that doesn't really count! I couldn't help but take Carly out for a few minutes even though she wasn't feeling well. I bought a new sled and thought she would love to be pulled around the yard. I thought she was going to like it because as soon as I put her coat on her she headed for the door. Unfortunately, I didn't get the reaction I was expecting. I can't say she was really a big fan. Actually, I don't think I would be either if I was bundled up so much that I could barely move and I had a nose that was about to run off my face. The minute we got outside her expression turned very serious....until she hit the ground face first. That is what brought on the tears! At least I can say I got some cute pictures out of this experience. haha. There is ONE thing Carly liked about the snow...the taste. I brought some in with us and she couldn't get enough! I'm sure next year she'll enjoy playing in it as much as eating it!
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