Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Guess she's feeling better...

I stayed home from work yesterday because my baby was sick. For the majority of the day we cuddled, which I ate up. Once she started moving around the house my cuddle time had been cut drastically :( When we weren't cuddling I was doing laundry. And I'm not sure I've ever done so much laundry in one day...5 pairs of Carly's pjs, 4 of mine, 6 blankets, crib sheet, mattress pad, throw pillow, and then the everyday laundry. She was real sick through the night but seems mostly wiped out during the day. The pictures I posted are from this afternoon. As you can see she is feeling much better.

I've been trying to get pictures for Christmas cards for about a week and am having a very difficult time. Today was the first day Carly seemed interested in the tree. I can't believe it. I thought she would pull all the ornaments off first thing. I even went out and bought shatterproof ornaments figuring my old ones would be broken into pieces. She finally played with some of the ornaments today and I'm hoping I got some come"card worthy" picures of her doing it!

She's seemed to have a good time playing around the house this afternoon. While I was wrapping gifts for my kindergarteners, Carly was playing with the ribbon. I thought that was the cutest thing. She wrapped herself and the ribbon was dragging the ground behind her as she was wandering around the house. I decided that I wasn't going to get much wrapping done while she was awake so I put my gifts away and started playing hide and seek with the little love. Oh, and the funniest thing...as I was running her bath water she threw her baseball in the toilet. Is it terrible that I snapped a picture before I got it out? Now she's sleeping peacefully in her room. Wonder what she dreams about at night...happy dreams I hope!

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