Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

I had so much trouble falling asleep last night. Not sure if it was the sweet tea or the anticipation of seeing Carly's reaction to Santa's toys. But Carly slept in until around 8:30. (That doesn't usually happen.) But I let her eat breakfast and play in the tub before she went into the living room. She was so serious at first. She went straight for her toy vacuum and played with it for a minute and then headed for Lacey's toys. She loved all the balls Santa left for Lacey and played fetch with her for a long time. It's so sweet to watch her play with Lacey. For a long time she seemed more interested in Lacey's gifts rather than her own. But she finally came around. She played and played all day long. In fact, around 2:00 I told her she was going to east a snack and then take a nap. Well, she at about 1/4 of a graham cracker and feel asleep drinking her milk in her high chair...priceless.

I wonder what she was thinking when she walked into a living room full of toys. Did she feel like she was in heaven? I really enjoyed this Christmas with Carly and feel that the ones in the future (when she really knows what is going on) will be even more fun! I've been thinking alot about my students today. I hope that they had as good a Christmas as Carly. I worry about some of them so much, but I know that our family resource center has done all they can do to ensure these kids are provided for. My mom and I bought gifts for one of my students and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she tells me about her Christmas. I am thankful that we have been able to give Carly a good Christmas and were able to help a family in need. Merry Christmas to all!

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