Having an Elmo Birthday party was not my original plan. But since we were going to see Sesame Street Live on the morning of her party I decided to go with it. Plus, Carly LOVES "Melmo!" So, we went to see Elmo in the morning and then he helped us celebrate Carly's 2nd Birthday. She absolutely loved Sesame Street Live. When Elmo would exit the stage she would say, "Where'd Melmo go?" and when he came back "Dere he is!" At times she was plastered in her seat staring at the stage while at other times she was standing on my lap boucing up and down, clapping, and shouting! It was simply precious! The fun didn't end at the Riverpark Center. After naptime, Carly was suprised with a house full of Elmo and friends! We had a great day with family and friends.

Hugging Elmo before the show!

This was a great show!

She was so into it!

My friend (and coworker) Judy Hayden with granddaughters, Kate and Lexy.
Time to Party!!!
I love her cake!
some of the party guests

presents, presents, more presents!

Chrissy thought it would be funny to put bows in the boys hair...so did they!

Time to dig into the toys.

Can't believe she's already 2!

Blowing out her candle...this cracks me up!

I couldn't find a baby doll swing I liked so I got her this instead. I think she sits in it more than her baby dolls!

They sure know how to mess up a clean room!
Carly smiling for the camera..I love that face!!!
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