Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break Day 1...A Day at the Park

Today was the start of spring break!! Carly and I celebrated by meeting all our buddies at the park. First I tried to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny but she clung tightly to me when we got near him so we headed to the park instead. It was so nice there. Carly played and played and so did the rest of the kiddos. Hanging out my best friends...Jeanette, Chrissy, Katie and their kiddos are some of my favorite days. We ordered a pizza and had it delivered to the park. This was Carly's first picnic and I have really been looking forward to it. Hopefully we can fit at least one more in this week! After playing for about four hours Carly seemed to be walking in her sleep so I took that as my sign to head home. Later that night Carly and I dyed 10 Easter Eggs...not one survived. She had fun but is obviously too young to be given Easter egg dye. She tried to eat it with and spoon and later picked up the cup and tried to drink it, spilling all over her and the kitchen floor.
Cole and Carly
Cole...obviously putting a lot of effort into it!

My first picnic!
Thanks for the cupcake, Aunt Jeanette!
Olivia Kate
Carter and Carly


Later that night Carly and I dyed 10 Easter Eggs...not one survived. She had fun but is obviously too young to be given Easter egg dye. She tried to eat it with and spoon and later picked up the cup and tried to drink it, spilling all over her and the kitchen floor. She also kept banging the egg on her high chair or throwing it on the floor for Lacey, who was carrying them around the house. I have to say that this was a huge mess.....but lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly...what good pics you took today. Looks like Carly is as burnt as the boys. Love it and so glad we got another day to hang out!!
