Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring Break 2011

This Christmas my brother, sister and I pitched in and rented a beach condo in Pensacola, FL for Mom and Dad so we could take our first family vacation with all the grandkids. It was great! It's amazing that 4 families -Jason (13 people) could stay in one place for almost a week and not have any arguements. The kids had a great time playing together! They were adorable playing on the beach together.

Once again, Carly LOVED the beach!!!
The kids had fun flying kites.

They loved standing on the edge and running away when the waves came in.

The first night all the kids wanted to get in bed with me and Carly to watch Max and Ruby.

We were all so tired at the end of the day. It never took Carly long to fall asleep and I was always right behind her.

Carly and Austin

Carly loved seeing her footprints in the sand.

She is obsessed with her rainboots. She wore them around the condo any chance she got. Wheneven insisted on taking them to the beach with her. Sadly, they didn't make the trip home with us.

These pics are out of order, but on the way home Jeanette and I stopped in Montgomery, AL and stayed the night. We swam in the indoor pool and ordered pizza. Afterwards the kids were playing pretend with the phones. Here is Carly talking to Max and Ruby. She loves that show!!

Carly and Carter playing on the deck on a chilly morning.

We took a trip to the Gulf Breeze Zoo on a day that was too cold for the beach.

Carter stuck is head through the hole a baby Kangaroo and the other kids were trying to feed him. He kept saying "I not a animal!" It was the cutest thing!

Ready for another day on the beach.

I dug the kids a hole which they played in forever. Now that is some cheap entertainment.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Snapshot

Easter Lillies...The first sign of spring!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's cold again :(

Last week spring came to visit for a short while. We were so happy to see it. Carly and I spent so much time playing outside and now I'm sitting on the couch with chills waiting for her to wake up from her nap. Will it ever warm up? It's supposed to be in the 40 this week...UGH! Which gives me more reason to look forward to our beach trip next week! I wish I knew how to add video on my blog. Carly has become a "Super Singer" but that's a memory you simply cannot capture in a picuture. Some of her favorites are "Old McDonald" (she sings that everytime we pass the cows down the street), "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "You are my Sunshine" (my fav), "Elmo's World," "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider," and "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee." It's just precious.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Will HAVE to Wait!!!!

Valentine's Day....postponed!!!!! Carly and I spent the afternoon at the doctors office trying to see if there was any relief for her cough and congestion. And as of now, there is nothing. But we did get a perscription for ear drops because one tube is falling out and may be causing some discomfort. Plus, it was hard for Dr. Gannon to see if there was any fluid in there. Maybe that will make her feel a little better. And of you think spending Valentine's Day at the doctor is a drag...try spending it on the side of the road. On the Way to the pharmacy I hit something in the road causing a blow out. UGH!!! Luckily, my hubby and my sister came to my rescue. Jason came to change my tire and Jeanette took Carly and I with her while she ran a few errands so we didn't have to wait in the truck. A big "thanks" to you both.

Carly was such a good sport this afternoon. She was so brave during her doctor visit. I was expecting her to be scared to death after the horrendous "flu test" last week. And she was in good spirits during our Walmart trip even though she would have personally went to Target :) and since she was having Lacey withdrawals. You see, as we were pulling out of daycare I told her we were going to the dr. and she said "Lacey first" and she continued to talk about her throughout the afternoon. She was thrilled once we got home and she got to throw Lacey some of her toys.
This is picture is actually from last year but I left my camera in my sister's car this afternoon so I decided to postpone Carly's Valentine's Day so I could get some pictures. I can't have a Valentine Celebration without my camera!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Snapshot

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the weekends and all time that I get to spend with this precious, little girl. It seems like we run around the house (literally) from sun up to sun down. For the past month or so Carly and I have been playing hide and seek. She doesn't necessarily get the concept but we have a wonderful time playing anyway. I love to hear those little feet running around looking for me and the giggles I hear when she first finds me! Even though my flash gave me away I had to steal a few pics this morning. It was worth it! These pictures are priceless. I cannot wait to edit them!!
She found me!
Where's Carly?

Boo! When I finish counting Carly pops out and says boo! Every time!
Where's Momma?
Carly counting. So sweet! I never know how much time I have because I never know what order she is going to count in. I must get a video!!

Doughnut Delivery :)

I was thrilled Saturday morning when my cousin, Chrissy, called asking if Carly and I wanted doughnuts. Rolling Pin doughnuts...CHOCOLATE LONG JOHNS...the best in town, my favorite...YUMMMM!!! They were delicious! Carly never cared for them but this time she was digging in the bag for seconds. I know where we will be eating on garage sale mornings :)
As much as it sounds like doughnuts were the best part of the morning, they weren't. We were much happier to be able to spend time with a few of our favorite people. Carly LOVES playing with the boys...even though she HATES to share her toys. About the only thing she didn't fuss about sharing was her bed, which she and Luke used as a trampoline. It seems like the kids had a good time because the house was an absolute disaster. I should have taken a picture of the aftermath. Thanks, Chrissy, "Tole" and "Ewk," for coming out to visit and for the doughnut delivery. We're looking forward to next time!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

our neighbors....our friends

We were blessed with great nieghbors when we bought this little house on Curdsville-Delaware Rd. I didn't realize how close we would become when we first met. But the first time the girls met Carly I had a feeling that they would be coming around a lot more often :) And I am so thankful for that. Carly and I both love them. Carly and I really enjoyed our Saturday night with Faith. She got to stay with us for a few hours while Caitlin was helping her cousin celebrate her birthday (we missed her) and the rest of her family went to the movies. Carly loves "the girls." We get to spend a lot of time with them in the summer but we miss them during the school year and cold winter months. So, Carly was thrilled to get hours of playtime with one of her best buddies. The night was filled with squeals, giggles, and... cooking,
silly faces,
and wash rags?????? Yeah, I'm puzzled. I racked my brain trying to figure out why Carly drug every wash rag out of the cabinet and insisted that they be worn as hats. Finally, I came to the conclusion that she was mimicking Thursday night when she was burning up with fever. So funny!
The night flew by and Carly stayed up well past her bedtime. Shortly after this picture she was asking me to "hold you." I love that! Those bedtime "hold yous" are so special to me!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chicken Boom Boom

My love with the "Chicken Boom Boom" book she followed me around with tonight.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Catchin' Up....Christmas 2010

Carly being silly at Mom and Dads!
Oh, my brother is going to love this! I have some adorable nephews!
The kids seemed to love their trampolines.

So cute!!

Sneaking a bite while making cookies for Santa. We took the easy way out this year!

Santa Claus is so sweet :)!!!
"predents, predents"

Lacey loves Christmas too! Time for her to rest!

Someone was thankful that Santa left some cookies behind
Carly with the bracelet I made her. She didn't make it to the truck with it :)

She looks happy but she was fussing at those stinkin' boys because they were helping her open her presents. :) That's the sassiness coming out in her!!
Carly and her Great Mammaw

Houston, Carly and Austin looking for Santa! So precious!!
Santa Came!!!
I just wanna kiss those little lips!!!
She loved her kitchen!!!
Santa brought Lilly and Lola some special food.

He brought Lacey special food too!

I have been terrible about making posts. I am determined to get caught up! Last post - Carly's Brithday. Today's post - Christmas. Better late than never! This year our Christmas celebrations were more spread out than usual...and I was ever so thankful! Unfortunately we missed the Coomes' get-together because we went to Jason's parents instead. But we had a great time everywhere we went. My personal favorite....CHRISTMAS morning at HOME!! Carly was absolutely precious that morning. She slept later than ever but woke up ready to play. Carly and I started the morning playing hide and seek in order to get her to walk into the living room on her own. She stood in the middle of the living room for a minute saying "predents, predents" while pointing to all the toys Santa left for her. She went to her sink first thing to "wash hands." She was such a happy little girl! There's definitely something magical about Christmas!