My sister and I had big plans to take the kids to Louisville Zoo and then Boo at the Zoo later that night. But, as you know, with kids things don't always go as planned. We drove the 2 hours to the zoo and as soon as we pulled into the parking lot Carly got sick...and it continued for the hour and half we were in the zoo. But we made the trip to the zoo again on Saturday. Unfortunately Carter was sick this time. Come to find out her had a pretty bad ear infection. All in all the kids had a good time. But it was way too crowed for us! I heard there were over 12,000 people there and I believe it. Carly liked trick-or-treating but we are going to have to work on actually saying it and saving the candy. She was cracking me up because everytime she got a piece of candy she wanted to eat it and she hardly ever eats sweets. Oh, I forgot...it was the first time she got to ride on a "bool bus." She seemed to be thrilled about that!