Carly has really been into playing with baby dolls lately. So much so that I decided it was time to get a new one. (I plan to get her one for her birthday, but couldn't stand to wait that long.) Last weekend the two of us went to Target and she chose a small, bald baby that moves around a little and makes baby sounds. She seems to like this one (or at least the paci that came with it) but she still favors the one I gave her for her 1st birthday :)
Well, the purpose of this post is to always help me remember what a sweet, little momma she is. We play dolls a lot and she usually feeds them with a small dish and spoon and lets them drink out of one of her little cups or a baby doll bottle. I just think it's the sweetest thing. But then today, as we were playing, she put her baby dolls into their bassinet, covered them up, said night-night, and closed the door as she left the room. I thought it was so precious because that is what I do with her (except she gets a kiss and an "I Love You more than anything!" too.) -- And, of course, by the time I got my camera she had moved on to something different. I'll have to post a picture later.